Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Implications of God's Passion for His Glory

These implications come from the book titled, God's Passion for His glory written by John Piper as a commentary on (and including the full text of) Jonathan Edward's work The End for which God created the world.

Central truth which the implications build on: God created the world to exhibit the transcendent fullness of His glory in the God-centered joy of His people.

Implications(as I tweeted at twitter.com/Christensen_Dv):
  1. God's passion for His own glory and His passion for my joy in Him are not at odds. @johnpiper #GPfHG
  2. Therefore, God is as committed to my eternal and ever-increasing joy in Him as He is to His own glory. #GPfHG
  3. The love of God 4 sinners is not His making much of them but His freeing & empowering them 2 enjoy making much of Him.
  4. All true virtue among human beings must aim at bringing people to rejoice in the glory of God. #GPfHG
  5. Sin is the suicidal exchange of the glory of God for the broken cisterns of created things. (Romans 1:23, Jeremiah 2:12-13) #GPfHG
  6. Heaven will be a never-ending ever-increasing discovery of God's glory with greater and increasing joy in Him. #GPfHG
  7. Hell is unspeakably real, conscious, horrible, and eternal--the experience of those who wouldn't delight in God. #GPfHG
  8. Evangelism means depicting the beauty of Jesus and His saving work with a heartfelt urgency of love that labors to help people find their satisfaction in Him. #GPfHG
  9. Christian preaching is an expository exultation over the glories of God in His word, designed to lure God's people from the fleeting pleasure of sin into the obedience of satisfaction in Him. #GPfHG
  10. The essence of authentic, corporate worship is the collective experience of heartfelt satisfaction in the glory of God, or a trembling that we don't have it and a great longing for it. #GPfHG
  11. World missions is a declaration of the glories of God among all the unreached peoples, for the gathering of worshippers who magnify God through the gladness of radically obedient lives. #GPfHG
  12. Prayer is calling on God for help; to show He is gloriously resourceful & we are humbly & happily in need of grace. #GPfHG
  13. The task of Christian scholarship is to study reality as a manifestation of God's glory, to speak about it with accuracy and to savor the beauty of God in it. #GPfHG
  14. The way to magnify God in death us by meeting death as gain. @johnpiper on Philippians 1:21-23 #GPfHG
  15. It is a Christian duty, as you know, for everyone to be as happy as he can [in God]. - CS Lewis #GPfHG

To get this book in pdf form, learn more about it, or perhaps buy a copy go here

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